
The Britton Home & School Club is an energetic group of parent volunteers who care about our children, staff, and administrators at Britton Middle School. We are committed to enhancing our students’ education through the support and funding of educational programs, materials, and other school needs. We provide support for PE equipment, field trips, after-school clubs, activities, and dances, teacher’s wish list and requests for classroom supplies, school assemblies, grants, staff luncheons, and much more.

There are many ways you can be a part of this great team. We have volunteer opportunities for snack donations for our honor roll assemblies and other school site events and in lieu of volunteer-intensive fundraisers, we are asking each family to donate to the 100% Bobcat Pride Direct Giving Campaign. Remember, any amount is greatly appreciated and if your employer has a company match benefit that will double your donation.

Links to Donate to Britton