Lewis H. Britton
Middle School

MHUSD Welcomes Aboard Two Assistant Superintendents

MHUSD Welcomes Aboard Two Assistant Superintendents

Last night, the Morgan Hill Unified Board of Education approved the contracts for Kolvira Chheng, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services and Diana Tavares, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. The contract for Dr. Diana Jimenez, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services was extended for another year. 

Kolvira Chheng

Kolvira Chheng

Kolvira Chheng was born in Cambodia during the Cambodian Civil War. His family fled the country and arrived in America in the early 1980s. He grew up in the East Side of San Jose, CA, and attended San Jose State University where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science, in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting.

He began his career in School Business and Finance with the Santa Clara County Office of Education where he served for sixteen years in various roles. Since then, he’s been with the Alum Rock Union Elementary School District since 2015 and was appointed as the Assistant Superintendent of Business Services in February 2017.

Coming from a family of educators where his grandfather was a teacher and his father was a teacher and principal, education was at the forefront of their values. Through his own life experience, he understands that access and equity are key to the success of students from low socioeconomic backgrounds.

He and his wife, Lisa Marie Chheng, are proud parents of three daughters, Lynley, Ralyssa and Jayanna.


Diana Tavares

Diana Tavares

For over 30 years, Diana has worked in education as a teacher, principal and Human Resources professional.

In 2014, she transitioned into Human Resources as the Director of Certificated Personnel with the Stockton Unified School District. During her tenure in Stockton, she built successful collaborative relationships with union leaders which resulted in positive labor relations and contract negotiations. Since then, she has been a part of the North Monterey County Unified School District and is currently the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources in the San Mateo-Foster City School District.

As a Human Resources professional, Diana is passionate about serving the educational community with compassion, collaboration and commitment. Diana received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Human Development and Master of Science degree in Administrative Leadership from California State University, East Bay. She holds a Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and Administrative Services Credential.

We welcome Kolvira and Diana warmly to the Morgan Hill Unified School District family. We look forward to a great school year ahead.