Attendance Office – Buenafe Seppala Email: Phone: (408) 201-6160 (select option 1 and input extension 30005).
Students are required by California law to attend school regularly and promptly. The school keeps attendance records of all absences and tardies for each student on file. State law requires that absence verification be made by parents.
Parents must verify an absence by calling the Britton Attendance Office at 201-6160 (select option 1 and input extension 30005) before 10:00 AM the day of the absence. Messages will be recorded each day between 4:00 PM and 8:30 AM (non-school hours).
If it is not possible to call, a note from the parent should accompany the student when he/she returns to school. Parents have 48 hours to clear absences after the student returns to school.